Name before adoption : Mango
Adoption date : June 2019
Pompitz mux. Female. 2y.

From New Family :

Mango is fine because she got all the attention of the family and she only eat if we left her alone and drink water but she seems happy because she is the only pet we had.We went out twice yesterday and 3 times today and she do pee and poo outside not inside the house. She loves her new bed.

Yes, everything is fine. We love Mango so much like a baby, she is happy with us but she always prefer me to cuddle and hug her. We slept together at my bed though I bought her nice bed, she only stays in her bed during the day. But if I arrived home she always wants me to cuddle her and carry her on my lap while watching tv or while I’m sitting on our family room. She loves to run outside with me if we go out for a walk. She is a very behave dog and smart. We treated Mango as my youngest daughter.

Mago is healthy and her vaccine is up to date, only my problem righnow to trim her hair again its too long but I don’t know if the dog grooming saloon is open now at petsmart. I bring Mango there to trim her hair before the pandemic. But I know they will soon open and I can finally help Mango for her grooming. Mango is a happy dog, She is sweet and wants me to hold, cuddle and kiss her always. She knows how to call my attention too as well. She loves to go out 3X a day with me.(Jan. 2021)

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